Will tube swaging be replaced by fabrication methods?

Of the many manipulation services we offer across many industries tube swaging is one of the most in-demand. The process, as many of you will be aware, involves the transformation of the shape and diameter of a piece of metal tubing. This is carried out to ensure that the length of tube is shaped to be fit and perfect for the purpose it’s required for.

When you consider the incredible technological advances in the manufacture of tubes – whether it’s conventional steel ones or those made from other forms of metal – one might wonder if swaging is becoming obsolete. The precision which parts for design and manufacturing can be fabricated does, after all, suggest that it would be feasible to do the same for tubing. This view is somewhat substantiated by the relatively low costs of metals at the moment.

Although we don’t doubt the fact that a perfectly formed tube could be fabricated for a specific purpose there are two reasons why this isn’t done – at least not on a widespread basis. These two reasons are of great importance to businesses – time and money.

Whilst the technology exists to manufacture tubes to specific measurements, it is not a fast process. The time it would take to complete the design of the cast and carry out the fabrication work would be a good deal longer that taking standard tubing and allowing us to transform it.

On top of this, the costs of fabrication will total more than would be the case when using a standard tube and engaging us to carry out swaging work. The higher costs are amplified by the delays caused to project time lines by having purpose specific tubing fabricated.

It is entirely possible that one day the time and the cost of producing purpose specific tubing will be viable. On the basis of our insights into the industry, however, we do not anticipate this being any time soon. As things stand it is the case that, as our many clients can happily confirm, our tube swaging services are the best and most practical choice for your requirements.