The distinct worlds of bronze, brass, and copper

Multiform Tubes Engineering Ltd are experts in the field of tube manipulation. We use a wide range of techniques so we can modify tubing in various ways. Tube reduction is among them. Our skills enable us to supply tubes that have all the right features for your applications. As a team with years of experience, you can count on us to complete any project. Continue reading

Which option is best for steel tubular rings?

One of the most impressive things about steel tubes is the numerous ways you can adapt them to create various products. This makes them useful for a vast array of applications. An interesting product you can choose is steel tubular rings. We want to take a closer look at them today. Focusing specifically on whether to opt for open ended or joined products. Then, if you want to arrange tube ring rolling for a project, you can speak to us. Continue reading

Hydraulic tubing is essential to industrial operations

Hydraulic systems are important to all kinds of industrial procedures. They depend heavily on the reliability and efficiency of their tubes. Among the available materials for hydraulic tubing, steel manages to stand out. We want to explore the plethora of benefits it offers. We will go over its applications, properties, and advantages. Then, if you need services like tube expansion for these products, you can rely on us. Continue reading