Brass Tube Ring Rolling

Multiform Tubes Ltd has a lot of experience with brass tubing. It is a product we work with very often for clients in an array of industries. Luckily, our expertise with it is unrivalled. We can offer a full array of services to deliver bespoke components. This could be anything from brass tube ring rolling to bending and various types of end forming.

Why is brass so popular?

Brass Tube Ring RollingThere are lots of reasons why so many people choose to use brasses. For starters the metals are relatively soft and ductile. This means they have exceptional formability. However, they still retain a really great amount of strength and durability.

Another reason they are so popular is they are highly resistant to corrosion. This means they have advantages over other materials that break down because of it. It is the high resistance that makes brass tubing one of the best choices for plumbing. It is also why it is useful for a huge array of marine applications.

People also love brasses because there are so many different options. The alloys can vary in colour from bright gold to redder shades. That means there are lots of choices that are perfect for decorative needs.

Brass tube ring rolling

While there are lots of uses for standard brass tubing, there are even more options following tube manipulation. Ring rolling in particular can create some really interest products. This includes heating coils, distillation equipment, and lots more.

The rolling process is fantastic because it does not alter the characteristics of the metal. In fact, it works to preserve them so the final ring is still strong, corrosion resistant, and attractive to look at. In addition, it can adapt the tube while also maintaining the surface quality inside and outside of the tube.

Ask us for a great service

Multiform Tubes Ltd is the best provider of tube manipulation in the UK. We have an excellent reputation for delivering the right products every time. This is possible because we have lots of experience, a skilful team, and the right equipment. The latter includes a full array of high quality tooling.

Over the years we have had the pleasure to work with clients in various industries. This includes everything from heating to marine, manufacturing and more. In each case we can be a great partner, able to offer suggestions about tubing and what kind of service they need.

So, if you need brass tube ring rolling or any other service to adapt this kind of tubing, contact us. We are here to help and have lots of happy repeat customers.