Medical Tube Expansion

Multiform Tubes Engineering Ltd is a business that offers its clients outstanding tubing manipulation services. Due to the experience we posses, we have become the UK’s foremost tube experts. The reputation we have for services like medical tube expansion is nothing short of excellent. This is because the work we do is beneficial for creating a variety of high quality items.

Outstanding tube expansion work

Tube expansion involves us using a series of methods to open the tube end. The purpose of this is to let you utilise it in many interesting ways. One thing that makes it stand out is it gives the section a leakproof, snug fit onto other tubes. This is great for various types of pipeline as well as barriers, handrails, shop fittings, and more.

Medical Tube ExpansionYou can use two separate methods to open the tube end, with ram forming expansion being the first. It uses a tapered, dedicated die that operates as a mould. Major pressure forces your die into the tube’s end. This compresses the tube wall and expands the end. The die here will be of a formed, set diameter of size. Due to this, it is only able to produce specific diameters for certain tubes.

As for the second expansion method, it utilises a hydraulic expanding die. The die in question is segmented. When it opens, you can expand the finger-style segments to a plethora of lengths and diameters. This option offers the user far more flexibility in range and size. You are able to open up the hydraulic die as much or as little as you desire. What you have in the end is a considerably more flexible measurement. But, there will be an upper limit that the segments cannot go beyond.

You are free to carry out tube expansion on the majority of metals, and expand them up to 5/6mm in thickness and 150/160mm in diameter. This makes it a useful service for all kinds of industries and applications.

Which tubes should I use for medical purposes?

In terms of what tubes are most suitable for medical tube expansion, austenitic 304 and 316 stainless steel are certainly contenders. They are medical-grade, surgical, or biocompatible steels. These metals are appropriate for implants catheters, stents, cannula, or other medical contraptions with long term exposure to human tissue or blood. They are also a good choice for things like hospital beds and wheelchairs.

Titanium tubing is also a common choice for medical use because of the strength, low weight, and biocompatibility. There are alloys that are the best choice for different kinds of implants, prosthetics, and more.

We use advanced expanding equipment to adapt tubes, accounting for the specific metal in the process. Since this is the case, we are always able to offer clients top notch services.

Tubing experts you can trust for medical tube expansion

With Multiform Tubes Engineering Ltd, you will be able to access a myriad of first class services. Expansion provides you with a versatile technique to obtain a tight fitting joint.

Our intelligent team is able to participate in any project here. Every time, we offer high quality customer service as well as first rate tubular products. We can work with any shape of tubing too, including round, rectangular, oval, and square.

So, get in touch with us if you ever need medical tube expansion. We can also tell you about the other work we do here.