Author Archives: Stephen Hall

Seamless titanium tubes provide safe and effective medical implants

We’re a tubing specialist with many years of experience in the industry. Our people have the means to adapt tubes so they are capable of satisfying all kinds of applications. Tube reduction is especially versatile. With it, we reduce the tube’s size at the ends. Even better, we can use it in conjunction with a host of tubing materials, including titanium. Continue reading

How boiler tube size impacts the system’s efficiency

Boiler tube size is a vital design parameter that has a massive influence on the system’s efficiency. It directly affects details like fluid flow, pressure drop, and pressure rates. These all play a major role in dictating the boiler’s thermal performance. We want to look at the deep link between boiler tube size and efficiency. Specific areas we’ll explore include practical implications and underlying principles. Then, if you need services like tube manipulation for heating and other applications, we can help. Continue reading

Are aluminium or plastic tubes better for pharmaceutical packaging?

With pharmaceutical packaging, your choice of material is vital. It must ensure longevity, efficacy, and safety. Crucially, it has to safeguard contents from contamination. At the same time, it must offer ease of use and preserve quality. This is while it meets regulatory and environmental standards. Among the popular choices, there are plastic and aluminium tubes. Both have unique advantages but cater to different requirements. We’re going to compare the two options in a few areas to see which one is best. Then, if you need tube bending services for any metal tubing, you can rely on us. Continue reading

Home design gains much from brass tubing

Brass tubing is a stylish and versatile part of contemporary interior design. With its accessible, luxurious appeal, it is a popular pick for creative projects and home renovations. The tubing is a common choice for bar foot rails. Although, you can use it in various unexpected ways. Let’s have a look at a few ideas for introducing it into the home design. Then, if you need tube ring rolling for any project, you can speak to us. Continue reading

Copper tubes keep drinking water safe

Water service lines are essential for providing drinking water. But your choice of tubing material will help make the supply sterile and safe. The antimicrobial and non-corrosive features of copper ensure it is excellent for water tubes. This is particularly true when you compare to plastic. If you’re interested in knowing more, feel free to continue reading. Then, you can trust us if you need tube drilling for any kind of metal tubing. Continue reading

Selecting the right steel tube for your projects

Choosing the right steel tube for industrial projects is vital. You need to guarantee efficiency, quality, and reliability. The right selection influences the cost, longevity, and performance. Our intention is to provide you with all the critical knowledge you will need to make the right decisions. Then, if you need tube expansion to adapt the tubing, you can rely on us. Continue reading

Automotive engineering needs seamless precision steel tubes

Tube reductionMultiform Tubes Engineering Ltd provides a wide range of services to help clients get the products they need. Tube in the base form works for some projects, but not all of them. Our team can help by modifying tubing to give it the right features. For example, with tube reduction, it’s possible to reduce the tube in size towards the end. It can be useful for various applications. Continue reading