We use tubes for numerous purposes due to their strength and durability. One tubing characteristic that stands out from the rest however is flexibility, something that we seek to take full advantage of. Specialising in tube expansion, in addition to a series of other manipulation techniques, we modify your products in such ways that make them suitable for their intended use.
If you are part of a casing crew, one of the most crucial aspects of the job is identifying your tubing. Additionally, you also have to make certain that all of your tools and equipment lie within the specs to manage the connections.
The reason why the above is so vital is that workers have to be confident in their understanding of the connections. All of them could be the same or one string might contain differing variations. Another critical reason to know these facts is that the torque figures may vary, the connection could be incompatible, or the ID and OD can shift.
Once a casing team makes their way onto a rig, their first order of business is to ascertain the type of tubing that is to be run. This isn’t always going to be a simple matter though. Casings could have been pulled out of their holes and be ready for reruns, or they might have been in place for years. This can make them harder to distinguish; all that time could’ve caused the materials to rust and be covered in dirt.
Despite the fact that they should be well versed in casing identification, checks should be done prior to undertaking the job. This way, they’ll know what to expect when they arrive. Obtaining a tally list is also a great idea, just to make sure that nothing remains overlooked.
At Multiform Tubes, our years of experience within the industry have endowed us with the skills necessary to meet your precise specifications. Suitable for making railings, chair frames, barriers and the like, our services are the ones to pick if you’re after bespoke tubular products.
If there is anything that you would like to discuss with us, including tube expansion and getting a good connection, you’re more than welcome to contact our people.