An overview of alloys

We’re known for offering specialist tubing services. This includes tube swaging as well as various others like bending and ring rolling. The rotary swaging technique enables us to produce circular concentric reductions or regular forms. In turn, this can make the inner surface of the tube a different shape while keeping the exterior circular. It can also increase or decrease the inner diameter.

Alloys are integral to our business. We deal with all kinds of them because they are useful for different types of tubing. For example, every kind of steel and brass is an alloy. Thus, we feel that an explanation is in order. We are going to talk about why they are significant. We will also cover how they distinguish themselves from pure metals.

What are they?

Tube swagingAlloys are mixtures of two elements or more. At the very least, one of these has to be a metal. You combine them to produce a completely new substance with distinct properties that the pure elements don’t have.

Another fact about alloys is that you can class them as non-ferrous or ferrous. This depends on the metallic makeup. The latter are alloys where iron is the main element. So, they include steels. On the other hand, non-ferrous ones contain very little iron.

Given the impressive versatility and characteristics of alloys, they have a prominent presence in the world. The uses are extensive and grow every day. For example, there are ones for making automobile engines, medical instruments, and aerospace components. Furthermore, we use them to create parts for electronics to guarantee superior performance.

The benefits of alloys

By uniting individual elements in an alloy, you can tailor the final material to get particular physical properties. This includes malleability, corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, hardness, and strength. You can adjust them depending on the amounts and combinations of materials in each alloy.

Most interestingly, alloys tend to have better durability if you compare to pure metals. They contain several elements that make up for the shortcomings of individual ones. For instance, brass is ductile and corrosion resistant thanks to its combination of zinc and copper. Ductility can help with things like tube swaging.

The process of making alloys

Finally, we want to touch upon the process of how to make an alloy. Producing one demands careful consideration. This is of the characteristics you want prior to making it.

The procedure starts with picking the many elements that will make up the alloy. Once you determine what to add, it is time to melt them together and mix. When they cool off and solidify into a single substance with new attributes, you will have your alloy.

Alloying is a process that has been around for centuries. We have done this to produce materials with special mechanical and physical characteristics. In turn, their creation has supported economic growth and technological progress. Understanding how every element influences an alloy’s performance can help. You will be able to choose precisely what you need for your projects.

Use our top tier services if you need tube swaging

At Multiform Tubes Engineering Ltd, we are known for our leading services. There are many advantages to the work that we do. For instance, there are short cycle times that supply you with your end product more rapidly and efficiently. Plus, adapting tubes mechanically can preserve the characteristics.

With tube swaging in particular, no matter what the shape of the interior is, you will retain a quality, smooth external finish. At the same time, the interior will be whatever size or shape you need. It opens up the possibility for different projects.

So, if you are interested in finding out more, you can speak to our team.