Comparing the properties of aluminium and titanium

We are a specialist company that alters tubes in various ways. To do it, we use techniques like tube expansion. The goal is to enable users to utilise the tube in all sorts of ways. So, if this is a service you need, we can help.

When you must consider materials for components, two features take precedence. These are the weight and strength. This increases the popularity of lightweight and strong metals in many industries. Often the choice will come down to aluminium and titanium. We want to compare the two here so you can learn more about the properties.

Elemental composition

Tube expansionThe elements in each particular alloy will impact the attributes. These include corrosion resistance, weight, and more. Titanium alloys can hold a plethora of elements. They include nickel, carbon, iron, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen. However, Ti will always be the major element. The other constituents will have values that lie between 0.013 and 0.5%.

As for aluminium alloys, they have additions like iron, chromium and copper. Others are manganese, zinc, magnesium, and silicon. You have far more options here.


Titanium isn’t the best electrical conductor as it exhibits only around 3.1% of what you can get with copper. So, it is not a good choice where conductivity is a major requirement.

Aluminium exhibits 64% of the conductivity of copper, so it is a better choice. It also has very good thermal conductivity.


Both aluminium and titanium are lightweight. Aluminium’s density of roughly 2712kg/m3 is lower than titanium’s 4500kg/m3. So, there is a clear winner when you look at how much they weigh. Plus, production won’t need as much titanium to get aluminium’s physical strength.

Corrosion resistance

Both substances do have great a great ability to withstand corrosion. However, titanium is superior because it is more inert. Also, it has more biocompatibility. Aluminium forms an oxide layer to give it the resistance.


Aluminium and titanium have many applications for rapid production and prototyping. These uses are another good way to compare the metals.

Starting with titanium, it has uses in many industries. Applications include the aerospace industry to make hydraulic systems and other essential components. In the healthcare sector, it is great for surgical implements, instruments, and more. In processing, the metal is excellent for heat exchangers, vessels and other items.

Aluminium’s applications are also very broad. It is extremely useful for components like heat sinks, cookware, and heat exchangers. In general, it has vital applications in the aerospace industry too. Not to mention, it is a top choice for vehicle and bicycle frames. When it comes to machinery and equipment, you can use the metal to make tubes, pipes, and similar processing substances.

Tube expansion and more for various materials

At Multiform Tubes Engineering Ltd, we use several methods to perform our tube work. One of them is ram forming expansion. Here, we use a dedicated, tapered die that works as a mould. Using it, we can create specific diameters for tubes.

A second option here involves using a hydraulic operated expanding die. Using it allows us to have more flexibility in regards to range and size.

So, if you’d like to know more about tube reduction for aluminium or titanium, feel free to speak to us. We can also advise you about other services we provide for many different metals.