Standard considerations for hydraulic plumbing applications

We are a team with years of experience altering tubes to make them suitable for clients. Using tube reduction, and other techniques, we can change the shape of the utensils. The possibilities here are essentially limitless. As a result, ours is one of the most versatile companies working in our field today.

Reliable tube assemblies

Tube reductionThe metal tube assemblies for hydraulic plumbing projects are very reliable. They provide us with one of the most dependable methods of moving fluids under pressure. Even so, the factors for installation and design are a bit more complex if you compare to hose assemblies. Traditionally, hoses have more popularity.

Mills make seamless tubes for hydraulic set ups. They do so by pushing hot slugs of steel bar around circular mandrels. This is done to generate a tube before the still-hot item goes through many processes prior to quenching. A relatively compact hot-rolled steel slug might get drawn into tubes that are dozens of metres long.


The main pressure holding capacity is a mixture of wall thickness and tube diameter. You should never assume a given wall thickness will supply the same capacity across every tube diameter. Hydraulic pressure functions at perpendicular force vectors. They do so against the tubing wall. Also, larger diameter tubes possess more surface area that the pressure can act against. The ratio of tensile strength to your internal surface turns unfavourable when your diameter goes up. This then reduces strength.

To counter the restrictions in pressure capacity, we manufacture tubes in a limited amount of wall thicknesses.

Another critical fact to understand is that you define tubes against the outside diameter. We don’t use the inside diameter. To give an example, ¼ inch tube exists in standard wall thicknesses ranging from 0.028 to 0.065 inches. This supplies a range of pressure capacity from roughly 2,500 to 5,800 psi.

When sizing tube for your application, you have to subtract wall thickness from the OD. A thicker wall will lower the internal diameter, minimising flow. For instance, a 1 inch OD tube with a 0.035 inch wall thickness possesses an internal diameter of 0.93 inches. But, this tube is merely rated for 788 psi. This might only be sufficient for return lines. Going up to a 0.120 inch wall tube is necessary for 2,700 psi.

Remain aware of how much wall thickness influences tube ID. Also, pay attention to its subsequent effect on total flow capacity. Speak to our team if you need our tube reduction service.

No straight line

Tubing doesn’t normally follow a straight line. Usually, you need to bend assemblies in a multitude of radii and lengths. This is the only way to match the plumbing specifications. Furthermore, every increasing tube diameter experiences an increase in the minimum bend radius. The bigger tube will become more vulnerable to kinking when you bend it too narrow. Not only this, but the flow characteristics become increasingly turbulent. It will increase back pressure in your plumbing.


Typically, hydraulic power units, actuators, and control systems are happy with normal steel tube. This is where paint usually coats everything to supply protection from any standard ambient condition. But, stainless steel provides a popular option for optimal corrosion resistance.

We work with various tubing materials when we offer tube reduction

At Multiform Tubes Engineering Ltd, we can adapt tube made of a wide array of materials. This includes the likes of hydraulic steel, brass, copper, titanium, and aluminium. We take note of the characteristics of each specific metal to ensure the services will be accurate.

So, if you need tube reduction or other solutions, please let us know. We can cater for all manner of needs, including complex applications.