Learning how to obtain accurate results with tube

Anyone who is unfamiliar with our work probably doesn’t know what tube swaging is. To put it simply, it is a rotary hammer forming operation for the reduction of wires, tubes, and solids. The goal of this technique is to make the tube’s inside a different shape and retain the characteristics of the exterior.

Some of the most common questions we receive relate to how we alter tubes accurately. Every use and situation is unique. As a result, the ideal place to start is with a deep comprehension of the essentials of alteration. The tooling you need to bend your tubes and knowing how to actually go about bending are also vital.

Two things happen when bending tubes

Tube swagingWhen you bend a tube, two things happen to it. To begin with, the exterior wall decreases in thickness. This reduction is the result of you stretching the substance. The second thing to occur is an increase in thickness for the interior wall. This happens because you are compressing the material.

The material on the bend’s exterior has a longer road to travel on. This is what causes the stretching. The inside on the other hand does not have as far to go. Not to mention, you compress it. Knowing what is occurring with the material as you are bending it is crucial if you need accurate results. Troubleshooting and the set up for it both demand you to have an excellent handle on this basic notion.

Understanding how to bend

Now that we have the basics out of the way, up next is understanding how you bend. To get the job done, you will require a few basic tools. A pressure die, a clamp die, and a bend one are the minimum necessities. However, it is not uncommon to use more resources. Wiper dies for instance support the tube’s interior. It does so to halt the formation of wrinkles while you bend. You can also use mandrels to stop buckled and kinked bends as well as tube collapses. If you ever need to make adjustments to your tools, you can use our tube swaging service.

Set your tooling up correctly

Eventually, you will understand how you bend the tube. In addition, you be familiar with the tooling you require for accuracy. The next important step is to set your tooling up. In many cases, the reason for bending troubles is failing to set the tools up right. Usually, your first course of action for troubleshooting shall be to check the tooling’s position. Exact tool setting is critical for accurately bending your tubes.

Come to us for tube swaging and more

At Multiform, we use tube swaging to provide our clients with many benefits. Some of the most important ones include producing smooth finishes and allowing tubes to form great joints. We also have short cycle times so we can get orders to clients quickly.

If all you are after is quality tubing, we have no problem helping you. Get in touch today if you want to work with our team.